لغة القالب

Nad E Ali dua full Image

 The Nad E Ali is a supplication (dua) recited by some Muslims, particularly those following Shi'a Islam, directed towards Imam Ali, the son-in-law and cousin of the Prophet Muhammad. Here's some information about it:

  • Meaning: The dua translates to "Call upon Ali, the Manifestation of Wonders, you will find him a helper in your calamities." It invokes Imam Ali's intercession and seeks help from God through the Prophet Muhammad's honor and Imam Ali's ولاية (wilayah), which can be interpreted as guardianship, authority, or ولاية ( ولاية)

  • Versions: There are two main versions of the Nad E Ali:

    • Nad E Ali Sagheer (Short): This is the shorter version of the dua.
    • Nad E Ali Kabir (Long): This is the longer version and includes additional supplications.

May 14, 2024

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