لغة القالب

What are the 6 fundamental principles of Islam?

 The six fundamental principles of Islam are:

  1. Tawhid: Belief in the oneness of God (Allah). This is the core principle of Islam, emphasizing that Allah is the sole creator and sustainer of everything.
  2. Malaikah: Belief in angels. Muslims believe angels are unseen beings created by Allah who carry out His commands.
  3. Kutub (Books): Belief in the divine books revealed by Allah to various prophets throughout history. The Quran is believed to be the final revelation, while Muslims also respect earlier scriptures like the Torah and the Gospel.
  4. Rusul (Messengers): Belief in prophets and messengers sent by Allah to guide humanity. Prophet Muhammad is seen as the last and final messenger.
  5. Yawm al-Akhira (Day of Judgement): Belief in the afterlife, including accountability for one's deeds in this life. There will be a final judgement and paradise or hell awaits.
  6. Qada wa Qadar (Divine Will and Predetermination): Belief in Allah's divine decree (Qada) and preordainment (Qadar) of all things. This doesn't negate free will, but acknowledges Allah's ultimate power.

These principles are often summarized in the phrase "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His Prophet" (Shahada).

May 15, 2024

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