is there udhur for the one who says quran is created
In mainstream Islam, believing the Quran is created is a serious theological issue. Here's why:
Quran as Allah's Speech: Muslims believe the Quran is the literal word of God (Allah) revealed to Prophet Muhammad. It's considered uncreated and eternal, a core aspect of Allah's attributes.
Contradicting Core Beliefs: Saying the Quran is created contradicts this belief and Islamic monotheism. It implies Allah's speech is not eternal, which wouldn't align with his other eternal attributes.
Therefore, most Islamic scholars consider denying the Quran's uncreated nature to be disbelief (kufr).
However, the exact response depends on the scholar's school of thought and the individual's situation:
Lack of Knowledge: If someone makes this claim out of ignorance, they might be offered opportunities to learn and correct their understanding.
Deliberate Denial: If someone deliberately denies the Quran's uncreated nature after education, the consequences are more severe, as mentioned above.