لغة القالب

In Islam, what does “Dua” mean?

 In Islam, Dua (pronounced doo-ah) refers to supplication, invocation, or calling out to Allah. It's a form of worship where you:

  • Express your needs and desires to Allah.
  • Ask for His guidance, forgiveness, and blessings.
  • Offer thanks and praise for His favors.

Here are some key things to understand about Dua:

  • It's a conversation: Dua is a personal connection with Allah. You can speak from your heart in your own words.
  • It's for anything: You can make Dua for anything big or small, in times of difficulty or ease.
  • It's an act of worship: Making Dua shows your submission to Allah and dependence on Him.
  • There are specific Duas: While you can use your own words, there are also many specific Duas from the Quran and Hadith for various situations.

Here's an analogy: Imagine Dua as a direct line of communication with the Creator. You can use it to share your joys and sorrows, ask for help, and express your gratitude.

May 14, 2024

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