لغة القالب

Essential Duas full Image

 Dua (supplication) is a fundamental aspect of Islam, allowing believers to connect with Allah (God) throughout the day. Here are some essential duas for various situations:

Morning and Evening:

  • Waking Up:
    • Al-hamdu lillahi alladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilayhi an-nushur (All praise is due to Allah, who has brought us back to life after He caused us to die, and to Him is the resurrection) [Sahih Bukhari]
  • Before Sleeping:
    • Allahumma bi ismik amutu wa ahyaa (O Allah, in Your name I die and I come alive) [Sahih Bukhari]

Daily Activities:

  • Entering the Mosque:
    • Bismillah, wal-hamdu lillahi dakhulna, wa billahi nakhruju, wa `ala rabbina naslahu (In the name of Allah, all praise is due to Allah upon entering, and upon leaving, we rely upon our Lord) [Sahih Muslim]
  • Leaving the Mosque:
    • Ghufranaka al-`alimu al-hakim (May You forgive us, O Knowing, O Wise) [Sahih Muslim]
  • Before Eating:
    • Bismillah, Allahumma barik lana fihi wa qina athana min an-nar (In the name of Allah, O Allah, bless us in it and keep us safe from the Hellfire) [Sahih Bukhari]
  • After Eating:
    • Al-hamdu lillahi alladhi at'amana wa saqana wa waffa lanaa ahsan al-juudi (All praise is due to Allah, Who has fed us and given us drink, and provided for us in the best of ways) [At-Tirmidhi]

Other Supplications:

  • Seeking Forgiveness:
    • Astaghfiru Allah (I seek forgiveness from Allah)
  • Facing Difficulty:
    • HasbunAllahu wa ni'mal wakil (Allah is sufficient for me, and He is the best Disposer of affairs) [Quran 39:38]
  • In Distress:
    • La ilaha illa anta, subhanaka inni kuntu min al-dhalimin (There is no deity [worthy of worship] except You. Exalted are You [above any imperfection], indeed I have been of the wrongdoers.) [Quran 26:160]

These are just a few examples, and there are many other duas Muslims recite throughout the day.

May 14, 2024

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