لغة القالب

Dua Shabaniyah full Image

 Dua Shabaniyah is a special supplication (prayer) recited in the Islamic month of Shaban. It's attributed to Imam Ali, a revered figure in Islam, and is believed to be particularly powerful for seeking forgiveness and blessings from Allah.

Here's a closer look at Dua Shabaniyah:


  • Shaban is the month preceding Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. Muslims use Shaban as a time for spiritual preparation and purification.
  • Dua Shabaniyah is seen as a way to connect with Allah on a deeper level, reflect on one's shortcomings, and seek forgiveness for past sins.
  • It's also believed to be a time to ask for guidance, blessings, and success in the upcoming month of Ramadan and beyond.


The Dua Shabaniyah is a beautiful and heartfelt prayer. It touches upon themes like:

  • Acknowledging Allah's power and majesty
  • Seeking forgiveness for sins and shortcomings
  • Expressing gratitude for Allah's blessings
  • Asking for guidance and strength in faith
  • Yearning for Paradise and fearing Hellfire

Reciting Dua Shabaniyah:

  • There's no specific format or requirement for reciting Dua Shabaniyah.
  • You can recite it in Arabic or find translations in your preferred language.
  • The key is to recite it with sincerity, focus, and a pure heart.

May 14, 2024

عدد المواضيع