Dua of Nabi Zakariya full Image
The supplication of Prophet Zakariya ( عليه السلام ) is mentioned in the Quran, Surah Maryam (Mary), verses 3-9. Here's the gist of his dua:
Acknowledging his weakness and old age: Prophet Zakariya ( عليه السلام ) acknowledges his advanced age and weakness, mentioning his gray hair and frail bones.
Reminding Allah of his past supplications: He reminds Allah (ﷻ) that his supplications have always been answered in the past.
The main supplication: Prophet Zakariya ( عليه السلام ) then makes his main plea. He asks Allah (ﷻ) for righteous offspring, someone who would inherit his message and carry on his legacy. He emphasizes that Allah (ﷻ) has the power to grant him a child despite his circumstances.
Here's a translation of the relevant verses:
(3) Zachariah called upon his Lord in private, saying, "My Lord, indeed my bones have become weak and my head has filled with white (hair) due to old age. And never have I been in supplication to You, my Lord, in deprivation.
(4) And indeed, I fear the successors after me, and my wife is barren, so grant me from Yourself an heir
(5) Who will inherit me and inherit from the family of Jacob. And make him, my Lord, pleasing [to You]."
These verses beautifully capture Prophet Zakariya's ( عليه السلام ) faith and trust in Allah (ﷻ). His dua teaches us valuable lessons about perseverance, sincerity, and believing in Allah's power to grant even the seemingly impossible.