لغة القالب

4 Qul Shareef full Image

 The 4 Qul Shareef, also referred to as the Four Quls, are four short and powerful surahs (chapters) from the القرآن (Quran) recited by many Muslims for protection and guidance. Here's a breakdown:

  • Meaning: "Qul Shareef" translates to "Say, Noble" referring to the opening word "Qul" (say) in each Surah.

  • Surahs: The four specific Surahs are:

    • Surah Al- Kafirun (The Disbelievers): Focuses on declaring monotheism and rejecting the worship of false deities.
    • Surah Al- Ikhlas (Sincerity or Purity): Emphasizes the oneness and uniqueness of Allah.
    • Surah Al- Falaq (The Dawn): Seeks refuge in Allah from evil and the whispering of jinn (invisible beings).
    • Surah An- Nas (Mankind): Seeks refuge in Allah from the evil within mankind and the whisperings of the shaitan (devil).
  • Significance: Muslims believe reciting the 4 Qul Shareef offers protection, guidance, and strengthens faith. They are often recited before sleep or during times of difficulty.

May 16, 2024

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