لغة القالب

short khutba juma in english

 A Friday khutbah is a sermon delivered during Friday prayers (Jummah prayers) in Islam. It's an important part of the service and serves several purposes:

  • Delivering a religious message: The Imam (prayer leader) discusses Islamic teachings, reminding listeners about their faith and obligations.
  • Providing guidance: The khutbah can address current events or social issues, offering Islamic perspectives and encouraging moral behavior.
  • Promoting unity: The communal act of listening to the khutbah fosters a sense of community and togetherness among Muslims.

Here's a general structure of a khutbah:

  1. Introduction: Begins with praising Allah (God) and sending blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
  2. Khutbah Topic: The Imam delivers the main message, focusing on a specific Islamic theme or issue. This can be based on Quranic verses, hadiths (sayings of the Prophet), or Islamic scholarship.
  3. Supplication (Dua): The Imam concludes with a prayer seeking Allah's guidance and blessings for the community.

Short khutba juma :

May 15, 2024

عدد المواضيع