لغة القالب

Dua Mujeer full Image

 The Dua Mujeer, also known as Dua al-Mujeer, is an Islamic prayer recited during specific days for seeking refuge and forgiveness. Here's a breakdown of what you might want to know about it:

Origin and Significance:

  • It's believed that the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) taught this prayer to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) while he was praying at the مقام ابراهيم (Maqam Ibrahim).
  • Muslims recite it during the Ayyamul Biydh (the white nights) - the 13th, 14th, and 15th nights of the Islamic lunar month.
  • It's known for its potential to bring immense blessings, including forgiveness of sins and alleviation of difficulties.

Recitation and Content:

  • The Dua is centered around repeatedly calling upon Allah (SWT) for protection from the Hellfire.
  •  The core part of the supplication is: "أَجِرْنَا مِنَ النَّارِ يَا مُجِيرٌ" ("Ajarna minan naar ya Mujeer" - "Keep us safe from the fire, O Giver of Refuge").

May 18, 2024

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