لغة القالب

Dua Jawshan Al-Kabeer full Image

 Jawshan Al-Kabeer, literally meaning "The Great Coat of Mail" is a long Islamic prayer recited by some Muslims. Here's a breakdown of its key aspects:


  • It contains 1001 names and attributes of Allah (ﷻ).
  • The name signifies spiritual armor protecting the reciter.


  • There are narrations (hadiths) mentioning its transmission to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) by Angel Gabriel ( عليه السلام ).
  • The authenticity of these narrations is debated among Islamic scholars.


  • There's no specific timing for recitation, though some prefer it during Ramadan.
  • It's a lengthy supplication, so some recite it in parts over several days.


  • Muslims believe reciting it brings spiritual benefits like:
    • Protection from harm
    • Forgiveness of sins
    • Increased blessings

May 17, 2024

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