لغة القالب

Dua Ganjul Arsh full Image

 Dua Ganjul Arsh, also referred to as "The Treasure of the Throne" supplication, is a specific Islamic prayer believed to hold significant benefits for those who recite it. Here's what you need to know:

Meaning and Origins:

  • Literal Meaning: "Ganjul Arsh" translates to "Treasure of the Throne," signifying its perceived value and importance.
  • Hadith Attribution: Some narrations attribute the Dua's transmission to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through Angel Gabriel (AS). However, the authenticity of these narrations is debated by Islamic scholars.

Benefits and Recitation:

  • Increased Provision (Rizq): The Dua is believed to bring blessings and increase provision (rizq) from unexpected sources.
  • Protection from Evil: It is seen as a form of protection against evil forces like the evil eye, jinn, and enemies.
  • Overall Well-being: Reciting the Dua is believed to bring overall well-being and safety.

May 09, 2024

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