لغة القالب

Difference between Alaihissalam and Radi Allahu anhu

 "Alaihissalam" and "Radi Allahu anhu" are both Islamic phrases used to show respect, but they have distinct meanings and who they are used for:

  • Alaihissalam ( عليه السلام ):

    • Meaning: "Peace be upon him"
    • Used for: Prophets and messengers of Allah, including Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) with the special addition of "Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam" (صلى الله عليه وسلم) which translates to "May Allah SWT bless him and grant him peace."
    • Example: Ibrahim (Alaihissalam) for Prophet Abraham or Isa (Alaihissalam) for Prophet Jesus.
  • Radi Allahu anhu ( رضي الله عنه ):

    • Meaning: "May Allah (God) be pleased with him"
    • Used for: Companions (Sahabah) of Prophet Muhammad, specifically the men.
    • Variations:
      • Radi Allahu Anha ( عنها ): "May Allah (God) be pleased with her" (for female companions)
      • Radi Allahu Anhuma ( عنهما ): "May Allah (God) be pleased with them both" (for two companions)

Here's a table summarizing the key differences:

PhraseMeaningUsed for
Alaihissalam ( عليه السلام )Peace be upon himProphets and messengers
Radi Allahu anhu ( رضي الله عنه )May Allah be pleased with himMale companions of Prophet Muhammad
May 14, 2024

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